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Hey Boo!

Here’s a few things about Me.

I want to know about YOU, and what magic you’re creating. For now, since you’re here, I’ll go first.

Some of the things I am that feel like they may be important here are…

I’m a Ted X Speaker, a connector, biz strategist, coach, speaker, experience creator & obsessive collaborator.

Beautiful You Emerging coach of the year finalist.

Women's Entrepreneur Day Ambassador for New Zealand.

Creator of Conscious Boss Clique, a growing network of 2000 wellness entrepreneurs who come together in person and online to learn from business leaders & to connect as a community.

I’ve worked with thousands of entrepreneurs privately, through my group coaching programmes and events and I’m super passionate about creating a conscious community of collaboration, connection & empowerment.    

“Because she competes with no one, no one competes with her”

- Lao Tzu

I remember, it wasn’t too long ago I was struggling wondering if I would ever have a 'business'.

I knew in my heart I wanted one, but I was taking so long to really see it happen, that I really wasn’t sure if it ever would.


I have a multiple 6 figure business, I live between NZ & LA, and travel (a little too much) all over the world. I have hosted sold out events in NZ, Australia, LA & London and been a guest speaker on many stages around the world. I have given a TedX talk, hosted retreats, generated over 1/2 million dollars in sales - and to be honest, not too long ago writing that may have made me uncomfortable…

But today?

I am a big advocate for self celebration. As women, (especially us Kiwis and Aussies!), I see we tend to dim our light, shy away from our successes and constantly have a bar we can’t reach before we allow ourselves to feel like the Bad-a** we are.

Yeah, I’m not about that.

I’m about celebrating. I’m about pushing you to not just see, but feel your value.

That means, higher prices (for you), more sales, and also, more

happiness, freedom & passion.

Not because you’re charging more, or making more.. which of course, is always nice… but because you’ve connected to the true inherent value you have, you create and you are.

What I know now, is that life is always working out in our favour (this belief has saved me from many dark nights of the soul ;) ) , and that even when we can’t see it, if we are truly showing up, staying committed and playing our part - then whatever is meant for us, will come to us right when it’s ready.

Our job?

To continue to show up even when its scary.

To do the work to stay in alignment to what it is we really want.

To take the inspired actions, even when we’re unsure of the outcome.

To embrace the uncertainty of the journey & to trust we are always supported.

I believe life is about being about MORE than just ourselves. 

It's about...

Connection. Collaboration. Community. Contribution.

I believe we can create businesses that support us financially, and also benefit the lives of the greater community we are a part of.

I don't think there should be a trade off between being profitable, and making a GLOBAL positive IMPACT through our work.

I have helped hundreds of women reconnect to their fire, their belief & build the confidence to LAUNCH and scale their businesses from $0 to $5,000, $10,000, $20,000 months and beyond.

Em, you deserve a thousand medals and I cannot thank you enough for your love, support & guidance. My business & my life are both so much richer and I have you to thank.

 - Ashleigh Turley, Eskimo Nell

Will you be one of them?

Now its time to create yours! 

Being a strategist & coach means I have the privilege of getting very up close and personal in the lives of my clients. I am also a huge believer that every part of our story somewhere, or somehow plays a part in the bigger plan.

Here are a few insights into me, my story & what got me to where (and WHO) I am today.

  • From 18-24 I was a huge party-goer, often spending Thursday - Sunday awake at raves and day parties 

  • My dream growing up was to be a CEO of a multinational organisation (ha!!!)

  • I studied Foreign Exchange Trading in Hong Kong 

  • I have a business degree majoring in International Business & Economics

  • I used to be a Chief Stewardess on superyachts in the Mediterranean 

  • I used to Au Pair in Italy

  • At age 24 I lost my Dad to a 4 year battle with cancer (and miss him everyday... but this has been, and continues to be a huge teacher for my life philosophy)

  • My brother is a coach and was the first place I heard of coaching (environment is everything!)

  • I’ve invested well over 6-figures in my personal development & trained in person with Gabrielle Bernstein, Tony Robbins, Dr John Demartini, and many other legendary thought leaders

  • I have been to 6 / 7 continents and lived in 5 of them (South Africa, Italy, LA, Australia, Hong Kong)

  • I studied Life Coaching in 2015

  • I used to have a network marketing business in wellness (the beginning of my 'business' journey)

  • I was community manager for Lululemon Athletica (where I became obsessed with wellness entrepreneurs!)... Everything leads to everything!

  • I am weirdly obsessed with health food stores and pharmacies (it's a problem!)

  • Public speaking still scares me (but also gives me the biggest high... Go figure!)

  • Yoga sometimes makes me angry… but I LOVE a good Yin class (real talk)

  • I'm obsessed with helping people step up in their business & LOVE my clients

  • My primary belief is that the Universe is always conspiring in my favour (magic!)

  • I also believe that SERVICE to others is the secret to success.

  • I’m OBSESSED with snowboarding

  • I recently busted my tailbone falling whilst participating in above activity, then falling on it again off a skateboard… turns out, I’m not as invincible as I thought. Damnit!

As a business strategist to driven wellness entrepreneurs, I specialise in helping you reconnect to your flame inside...

To remind you.

You are enough.

Your dream is worth it.

That your passion can be monetised.

That life is about love not fear.

I have a ‘no settle’ attitude for the standards we should have in our lives and businesses.

YES you can be surrounded by a community of like-minded friends & mentors who inspire you.

YES you can create a massive business doing what you love.

YES you can make a positive impact to the global community through your work.

YES you can collaborate with like minded businesses to grow.

YES I will be by your side pushing you to create the life you set out to create at the beginning of this journey.

You're ready my love...



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