Podcast: EP 8 Building Business and Relationships Without the Stress & Fear with Caitlyn Pasternak

I have been so excited to share this conversation with you on the podcast because my friend Caitlyn does not hold back. This episode is straight truth-talking about some juicy subjects, and I can’t wait for you to listen.

After creating incredible results in her life and business with strategies that seemed to “woo-woo” for traditional personal development or entrepreneurship, Caitlyn knew she had to introduce some of the magical work she had studied, embodied, and mastered with her clients. She helps women EMBODY leadership and abundance through transforming their subconscious minds, awakening flow states, and activating creative resources within them so they can truly manifest whatever they desire.

She utilizes hypnotherapy, NLP, biz strategy, intuitive development, and quantum physics to support women through personal and business transformations in her private mentorship, podcast, speaking and live events.

Caitlyn is a spiritual leader in the work around women ascending to their full power, while supporting men to do the same. This conversation is packed with raw, real life examples and how to’s for how you can do this as well.

The feminine creates internally; the masculine creates externally.
— Caitlyn Pasternak



  • What divine feminine leadership is and why it is important for women in business (3:38)

  • What Ascension is and why it matters (5:40)

  • How to create magic and results in business without the push (9:10)

  • Why men need to give to women to feel on purpose (14:07)

  • What Caitlyn does to keep her energy aligned with ascension (18:59)

  • What it feels like to be in communication with divine guidance (22:08)

  • Caitlyn's vision of where female leaders are headed (25:48)

  • What men need from women right now (28:45)

  • What situations require women to call men to a higher standard (32:53)

  • Why it's important to build yourself as the vessel for your vision (36:30)

  • How you know your business is ascending with you (38:29)

  • What a quantum leap is and how to take one in your business or life (41:10)